Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother's Day WOD

The kids' coach hosted a Mother's Day WOD and brunch for us to do together on Saturday. It was so much fun...well wait, let me qualify that statement. It was fun to do it with the kids. The thrusters and burpees were thrusters and burpees--never exactly fun, though I'll take the latter any day over the former. The WOD, to be completed in teams was 10 thrusters (we used Matt's weight of 35 lbs and Molly used a PVC pipe), 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups with a medicine ball passed between, and 10 burpees, AMPRAP in 20 minutes. It was not exactly difficult, but we ramped up the intensity and I was sweating hard by the end. Poor Molly was having a severe allergy attack and did not feel very well, so she just did the parts she felt well enough to do.

Warming up with Spiderman lunges
Waiting for the warm-up instructions
Getting ready for sit-ups 
More thrusters!
sweaty, but still handsome
The whole group after the WOD

After all the fun and play, we had a brunch that Coach Evy had prepared for us that even included Mimosas! Yum! The best part about events at CrossFit that include food is that we can eat the food! People are conscious of the fact that many of us opt for a paleo-style, or at least "clean" diet, and they take the time and energy to prepare food for potlucks and occasions rather than picking up a cake at Sam's club. There was salmon and meatballs, deviled eggs and fruit, and the ever-present guacamole!

What no one besides our family could have known was that this Mother's Day was special for me because I shared it with my daughter whose birthday fell on the same day. Maybe I'm just sentimental, but everything we did in honor of her birthday or Mother's Day took on a deeper level of meaning, and I thought constantly about the beautiful treasure with which I have been entrusted in the gift of my daughter and son. When I tucked my girl in last night, she handed me two small gifts. One was a tiny envelope filled with cut-up paper--confetti for a joke! The next was a tiny glass bluebird that she acquired at a yard sale. It is about the size of a marble and smooth glass, but to me it so huge because she knows exactly how much I love bluebirds. My heart is full...

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