Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday: Back to Life, Back to Reality

I am back from the Thanksgiving holiday after visiting family in Florida for a week. I have been eating food that has been delicious, but definitely not what I am used to, and it took its toll on the way I felt! Bloating, stomach aches, headaches, puffiness, gas--ugh. It was so good to come home and eat the way my tummy prefers!

Today begins my second month of CrossFit. I realized last night that it had been exactly one month since my first workout, and since that time have logged 13 WODS, having missed 3 or 4 due to sickness, hurricanes and travel. In that time was the decision-making process, signing up, and getting my bearings with all of this.

My goal is to continue working out three days a week. In the next couple of weeks (yes, even though Christmas is coming) my husband and I are going to be prepping our pantry and fridge for a full-on paleo diet cleanse which we will start as soon as possible, and definitely by the new year. It just happens to be close to the new year, but this is not a resolution. This is a systematic, methodical introduction of a different lifestyle for ourselves. In the meantime we will continue with our gluten-free, reduced-grains and dairy mode that we have had for the past few months.

I took my measurements last night. They are not pretty. I will not post them--some things are just too personal! I will however update when I see progress, and report on inches lost.

So far, I am unable to do a majority of the moves. I always think in terms of "cannot do yet," because the fact is I simply am not yet strong enough. Meanwhile I am working on building the muscles by scaling the movements to my ability level, with the help of the  coaches at CrossFit Woodbridge.

Today's WOD was:
3x3x3x3x3 back squats max weight was 105#
then 12 minutes AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible):
3 handstand pushups - I did inclined pushups with feet on a box and another scale with my knees on the box
5 pullups - I am working on form and building strength, so I am using the strongest band for assistance at this point. I can do 5 pull-ups with this band, and by the 5th I'm feeling it, so I expect to be able to change to the next smaller band in a week or two.
7 knees to elbows - hahaha...I could get knees to about waist high. I could do 4 reps, then  drop, then do 3 more.

I was able to do 4 full rounds. 

I think sometimes that I am using much of the time working out how to do the various moves. Nevertheless, by the end of the workout I am sore and tired, so I must be doing something! On my last round of inclined pushups, I tried to do the first of the three, and my back just collapsed so it was back to the knees. 


  1. I love this blog! I've had my ups and downs with CF, but something about it keeps me coming back. The 'up' days feel better than great. The down days feel like temporary setbacks and I end up all the more determined. I've never been able to stick with anything until now. We can totally do this! Awesome news about the paleo goals. If you ever want to borrow some of my paleo cookbooks, just let me know.

    1. Thanks fun to have a familiar face there, and yes, I will probably borrow a book or two when the need arises (and I'm sure it will!).
