Thursday, June 20, 2013

Sometimes You Eat the Bear...

...And Sometimes the Bear Eats You...

Today, was a "bear eats me" kind of day.

My butt was already beaten down from yesterday's hero WOD practice. My arms were super-sore from rope climb practice, and today's WOD involved lots of snatches.

20 minutes to find the 1RM snatch, then
at 85% of that max, one power snatch every 30 seconds for 4 minutes.

My 1RM is 75#, but today I could not get past 65#. My form was way off, and I had great difficulty getting the "click." When I was done my joints hurt tremendously.

There are two kinds of WODs: The ones in which you go so hard you are left in a puddle of sweat, lying on the floor breathing like a dying animal, and the ones that force you to use your brain and execute difficult moves over and over. These leave you wanting to go off in a corner of the room and lick your wounded pride. Tonight was that WOD.

Let's just say the bear ate me. Next time I'll be feasting on the bear...I hope.

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