Monday, June 24, 2013

Happy Birthday Dan! For Your Birthday...

Lloyd wrote up the nastiest WOD I've ever done! But I have to confess that I got through it better thinking that it was Dan's birthday and must have been his "Birthday WOD." I'm not sure if it was or not, but it gave me a tiny bit more something to get through it. Even so, I couldn't help just wondering "why?" when we went over this WOD.

EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute) for 12 minutes

Even minutes: 3 muscle ups or 3 chest-to-bar pullups and 3 ring dips
Odd Minutes: 3 squat cleans, 5 burpees

then at minute 13, begin a 10 min. AMRAP

5 hand-stand pushups (I did regular pushups, as even the scaled inclined were kicking me)
10 KB swings (35#)
20 double unders (60 singles)

I have never sweat so hard during a WOD. Typically I am not a big "sweater" (probably because I have until CF I seldom exerted myself), but today I had sweat running off of my face to the floor and my hair was soaked. For that I was proud.

I told Lloyd immediately after the WOD that I thought he was sadistic. He laughed sadistically, proving my point.

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