Sunday, February 17, 2013

Milestones, Baselines, and Whole Life Challenge

So Friday I decided I was NOT going to WOD. I had been twice already, was feeling very low on energy due to the fact that I was watching way too much Downton Abbey too late into the night. Here is the text I sent to my friend who was sure to harass me for not showing up. 

Note the times...and the excuses. 8:26 a.m. I'm not going. 2:54 p.m. I realize I have no GOOD excuse so decide to go to the 3:30 class. In my rush to get out the door, I also sent her this:

Anyway, this day was a milestone for me. It was a huge revelation to realize that I really did not have a valid excuse for missing my WOD, and also that I would not be able to live with the guilt I would heap upon myself for getting my priorities out of whack. Glen pronounced that this is proof that I am, indeed, addicted to CrossFit. So be it.

She asked me today how the WOD was, and I could tell her honestly that I was SO GLAD I went!

Friday's WOD
hang power cleans (@60#)
muscle ups (hahahaha! Nick scaled me to negatives. I wonder if I will ever get a muscle up!)

After my WOD I worked on assisted ring dips and holds. I was even paid the compliment that "my cleans looked really good." That's good. Cleaning is what I do best.

In other news, Whole Life Challenge started yesterday with a bit of a flop. I caved and had a glass of wine after an exhausting day out, which means I also did neither my 10 minutes of mobility nor 10 minutes of stretching. boo. Points down on the first day, but never mind. I can make them up by writing "reflections" every day.

This morning we went to the box for a baseline WOD:

AMRAP in 9
50 m run
7 KB swings
7 burpees

I completed 4 rounds with a total score of 70.

The temperature was about 29 degrees and windy. They opened the doors of the box so we could run. It was like being in hell without the fire. I'm so glad that is done! I will do the WOD again in 8 weeks to determine if I improved or not.

Now, back to Downton Abbey...

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